Thursday, February 10, 2005

Like a Hole in the Head . . .

Margaret hits the mark again with this digital clipping

« An American woman has been left with a British accent after having a stroke. This is despite the fact that Tiffany Roberts, 61, has never been to Britain. Her accent is a mixture of English cockney and West Country. Apparently the first case of this kind occurred in Norway in 1941, where a woman recovered from shrapnel injuries to the head with a German accent - not popular at the time. »

After reading this I wonder, does the reverse scenario hold true as well? Talk in a Anglo-Saxon or Saxon accent, and hope for brain damage?

Web site localization EN-DE

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//DE"

happy meta tag translating
very happy title tag translating
extremely happy error messages translating which you may be able to produce or maybe not. Error messages which you may be able to loacte in the perl, php, or html source - and then again not.

Dres. is short for the Latin "Doctores"

Dres. is short for the Latin "Doctores" and as such is used when two or more persons holding the aforementioned title are adressed in a German letter head or appear on a shingle:

Dres. Limbach & Roundtree

Gisela Strauss
Tech Translator in the greater Munich area
& virtually, everywhere.

You don't run Windows? Here's Help

This board is useful if you don't run Windows but need to know what Windows commands are - in German. As a rule of thumb the deeper you venture into the German language Windows version the more likely it will be that commands are still in English.

Gisela Strauss
Tech Translator in the greater Munich area
& virtually, everywhere.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Germany License.